Contact and Order Information

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Print No. Print Name (Note: Image Sizes are in inches.) Price Quantity Total

Estimated Shipping & Handling Prices
Including Insurance  ~ Continental USA Only
1 - 10 Prints = $14.95     11- 20 Prints = $17.95
Prints are shipped rolled in a tube via UPS Ground.
If you require a different shipping format, please call.

Note: Shipping charges will be billed separately
to your credit card by The UPS Store.



Mailing Tube


7.5% Sales Tax

Total Order



Phone Orders:

Mail Orders:
813 N. Walton Lakeshore Drive
Inlet Beach, FL 32413


E-Mail Orders:

Click the Edit menu on your browser, Select All, copy, open a new docu-ment with one inch margins, paste this form into the document, fill out the form, save it, and send it as an attachment to our e-mail address.

Name ________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________

City ______________________________ State ________ Zip ___________

Daytime Phone (in case we have a question) _________________________

Payment Method:       ___ MasterCard      ___Visa

Acct. No. _____________________________ Expiration Date ____________

Signature: _______________________  Printed Name: _________________
  (name as it appears on the credit card)